Surat Rekomendasi adalah suatu surat yang berisikan usulan terhadap seseorang untuk tujuan tertentu. Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa sendiri adalah sebuah surat yang berisikan usulan kepada seorang pelajar atau mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan beasiswa dalam kegiatan pendidikan yang bersangkutan.
Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa ini masuk dalam kategori surat resmi, sehingga penulisannya harus memenuhi pedoman atau standar yang berlaku. Sejumlah poin penting didalamnya harus benar-benar diperhatikan agar surat rekomendasi beasiswa tersebut tidak dianggap "cacat".
Untuk Anda yang mungkin saat ini sedang berkepentingan untuk membuat surat rekomendasi beasiswa, dibawah ini saya ulas beberapa contohnya yang dapat Anda pelajari dengan sebaik-baiknya dan tentunya dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan referensi yang bermanfaat.
Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Nama : ----------
Jabatan : --------
Memberikan Rekomendasi kepada mahasiswa kami:
Nama : ----------
NIM : ------------
Kepada (nama instansi yang dituju) selaku penyedia program beasiswa yang diikuti oleh mahasiswa kami. Surat Rekomendasi Pengajuan Beasiswa ini dibuat untuk mendukung pengembangan potensi akademik mahasiswa kami.
Semoga Surat Rekomendasi ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan dan memberikan hasil yang memuaskan terkait keputusan pengajuan beasiswa oleh mahasiswa kami.
Palembang, 20 Maret 2018
Hormat Kami,
Prof. Doni Styawan
Kepala Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas .........................
Demikian contoh surat rekomendasi beasiswa yang dibuat oleh dosen dan ditujukan kepada mahasiswa yang dianggap memenuhi kriteria untuk mendapatkan beasiswa.
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I have known Mr. Huda Hudayana for about nine years. He was my student at English Department, Faculty of Education, University Name of Bogor, Indonesia. He performed very well not only in his academic achievements but also in his organizational activities. He completed his undergraduate study in 2004 with GPA 3,59 (cum laude in scale 1-4) and IELTS Band 7.
Mr. Jaka has been working as an English teacher at the local government of East Java Province for three years. With his relatively low income as a civil servant, I believe funding his own postgraduate degree is not a feasible option. Tuition fees and living cost in Australia are too high and unaffordable for an Indonesian civil servant like him. Therefore, he really needs a full-scholarship to pursue M.A in Linguistics at Monash University. Currently, he has obtained an Unconditional Letter of Offer from the Department of Linguistics, Monash University of Melbourne.
In relation to his research competence, he has taken courses in research methodology with excellent results. He has also shown his high level of academic and research competences when doing a research on discourse analysis analysing speeches of Australian prime minister candidates and eventually, obtained a maximal score A in the thesis examination. As his research supervisor, I know that he is smart, hard-working, cooperative, and can easily adjust himself to a new academic environment. Therefore, I am sure that he will be capable to continue his study and conduct a research at a master degree program in an Australian university.
I believe that after getting master degree from Australia, he will be more competent to develop human resources in Indonesia, especially in the field of English education and linguistics. He will potentially disseminate his new educational experiences and cross-cultural understanding to improve professional and academic atmospheres in his institutions and surrounding societies. I, therefore, do not hesitate to recommend him as a prospective candidate for pursuing a master degree program in Australia.
Bogor, 20 May 2018
The Referee,
Prof. His Name, PhD
Demikianlah referensi contoh surat rekomendasi beasiswa yang dapat saya publikasikan pada kesempatan ini, semoga contoh surat rekomendasi diatas berguna bagi sahabat pembaca. Dan jika ada kurang lebihnya harap disesuaikan sendiri sebagaimana yang Anda perlukan.
Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa ini masuk dalam kategori surat resmi, sehingga penulisannya harus memenuhi pedoman atau standar yang berlaku. Sejumlah poin penting didalamnya harus benar-benar diperhatikan agar surat rekomendasi beasiswa tersebut tidak dianggap "cacat".
Untuk Anda yang mungkin saat ini sedang berkepentingan untuk membuat surat rekomendasi beasiswa, dibawah ini saya ulas beberapa contohnya yang dapat Anda pelajari dengan sebaik-baiknya dan tentunya dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan referensi yang bermanfaat.
Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa
Surat Rekomendasi
Nama : ----------
Jabatan : --------
Memberikan Rekomendasi kepada mahasiswa kami:
Nama : ----------
NIM : ------------
Kepada (nama instansi yang dituju) selaku penyedia program beasiswa yang diikuti oleh mahasiswa kami. Surat Rekomendasi Pengajuan Beasiswa ini dibuat untuk mendukung pengembangan potensi akademik mahasiswa kami.
Semoga Surat Rekomendasi ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan dan memberikan hasil yang memuaskan terkait keputusan pengajuan beasiswa oleh mahasiswa kami.
Palembang, 20 Maret 2018
Hormat Kami,
Prof. Doni Styawan
Kepala Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas .........................
Demikian contoh surat rekomendasi beasiswa yang dibuat oleh dosen dan ditujukan kepada mahasiswa yang dianggap memenuhi kriteria untuk mendapatkan beasiswa.
Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa Bahasa Inggris
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I have known Mr. Huda Hudayana for about nine years. He was my student at English Department, Faculty of Education, University Name of Bogor, Indonesia. He performed very well not only in his academic achievements but also in his organizational activities. He completed his undergraduate study in 2004 with GPA 3,59 (cum laude in scale 1-4) and IELTS Band 7.
Mr. Jaka has been working as an English teacher at the local government of East Java Province for three years. With his relatively low income as a civil servant, I believe funding his own postgraduate degree is not a feasible option. Tuition fees and living cost in Australia are too high and unaffordable for an Indonesian civil servant like him. Therefore, he really needs a full-scholarship to pursue M.A in Linguistics at Monash University. Currently, he has obtained an Unconditional Letter of Offer from the Department of Linguistics, Monash University of Melbourne.
In relation to his research competence, he has taken courses in research methodology with excellent results. He has also shown his high level of academic and research competences when doing a research on discourse analysis analysing speeches of Australian prime minister candidates and eventually, obtained a maximal score A in the thesis examination. As his research supervisor, I know that he is smart, hard-working, cooperative, and can easily adjust himself to a new academic environment. Therefore, I am sure that he will be capable to continue his study and conduct a research at a master degree program in an Australian university.
I believe that after getting master degree from Australia, he will be more competent to develop human resources in Indonesia, especially in the field of English education and linguistics. He will potentially disseminate his new educational experiences and cross-cultural understanding to improve professional and academic atmospheres in his institutions and surrounding societies. I, therefore, do not hesitate to recommend him as a prospective candidate for pursuing a master degree program in Australia.
Bogor, 20 May 2018
The Referee,
Prof. His Name, PhD