Kamis, 27 September 2018

Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Menulis surat resmi dalam bahasa Inggris tentunya bukan pekerjaan mudah bagi siapa saja yang belum pernah melakukannya. Terlebih, surat resmi itu ada berbagai macam jenisnya. Untuk itu, kali ini saya ingin mengulas mengenai surat resmi yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan harapan dapat Anda jadikan sebagai bahan masukan yang berguna.

Surat resmi adalah surat yang dipergunakan untuk kepentingan yang bersifat resmi, baik mengatasnamakan perseorangan, instansi, ataupun organisasi seperti undangan, surat edaran, surat pemberitahuan, dan lain sebagainya. Adapun ciri-ciri surat resmi antara lain adalah menggunakan kop surat manakala dikeluarkan oleh organisasi, terdapat nomor surat, lampiran, dan perihal atau kepentingan.

Surat Resmi Bahasa Inggris

Jika Anda sudah mengetahui karakteristik dari surat resmi, maka sebenarnya Anda sudah memiliki bekal pemahaman untuk bisa menulis surat resmi dalam bahasa Inggris, karena pada intinya adalah mengacu pada poin-poin inti yang terdapat pada surat tersebut. Dan untuk menyempurnakan pemahaman Anda, dibawah ini saya sajikan kumpulan contoh surat resmi dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan pembelajaran.

Contoh Surat Pengumuman Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kertosari Street No 87 Bali
No. Phone. (0333) 41678

Bali, April 7, 2018

No: 71/ SMAN 1 Bali / 15/2018
Attachment: –
Subject: Announcement

Parents of Class XII
SMA Negeri 1 Bali

With respect,

To increase the students’ knowledge of SMAN 1 Bali, especially class XII. So, at this time we intend to conduct a field study for students of both social studies and science outside of school. The event will be held on :

Day/Date : Sunday/April 12, 2018
Time : 08.00 – end
Place : Botanical Gardens
Event : Rare Plants Research
We hope you can give permission to your children to join this activity. Thanks for your attention.

The Principal of SMAN 1 Bali,

Jono Wijoyo, S. Pd

Contoh Surat Lamaran Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Bogor, April 7, 2018

Dear Sir or Madam,
Principal Media Sentosa
Jl. Perjuangan No. 123

In accordance with your advertisement at Republik Post at April 6, 2018, I am really interested in applying the position as a writer in Media Sentosa due to my qualified background as you requires.

I have an ability in English writing because I am the student of English Study Program in University of Muhammadiyah Metro. I won many English writing competition when I was in senior high school. For further details, you can read my resume. Furthermore, I have been living around Metro This may be a good chance for me to concentrate in this position.

I look forward to meeting you and encouraged to be interviewed soon. I can be reached at the above phone number or email. Finally, I greatly appreciate your consideration.


Hendry Asmanto

Contoh Surat Keluhan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

PT. Aman Damai Sentosa
Jl. Padepokan Perjuangan No. 123

Tangerang, April 7, 2018

Mr. Bagus Setiawan
Customer Service Manager
Super Electronics
Pahlawan Street No 67

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to make complaint regarding the product that I purchased recently. I bought a washing machine with serial number no. 1234.567 and product model no. 9876.432 from one of your outlet in Dirgantara Street, no. 15, Metro, Tangerang.

The product did not work properly. Its water player cannot move and when it operates the machine became very hot quickly. I have lodged a complaint on your customer service center, but there is no respond or action taken till now.

I have been a customer of your outlet for long, but this incident made me disappointed with the service you provide. Therefore, I ask want you to take an action to resolve this problem as early as possible. I attached a copy of the bill and photos of the product.


Cici Anjaini

Contoh Surat Pesanan Konveksi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Jl. Perjuangan No. 123

Magelang, April 7, 2018

To: ABC Convection
Lucky street, number 21
Magelang 17567

Please supply:

  1. 10 long dresses
  2. 20 high waist jeans (black)
  3. 20 mini skirt (mix colour)
  4. 10 “Yoona” blazer (mix colour)
  5. 30 belt

Please send the orders to our store at Indonesia Mall, second floor, D-block, number 123. All the orders will be paid after the orders arrived.

Please deliver our order in a week.

Thank you,
Mawar Collection,

Wiwin Gunardi

Contoh Surat Kuasa Dalam Bahasa Inggris


I am who made this letter of attorney and signed below :

Name : Danang Kusuma
Jobs : Director of PT. Maju Pantang Mundur
Explained, that the existence of this letter, I gave the power to :

Nama : Dendi Atmojo
Jobs : Counselor

To represent and/or act on behalf of me, Mr. Kodir M, in terms of handle project delivery clove exports to China till I come back to the company, because I have to deal with other projects that cause I could not stay in Indonesia for a while. Thus, this Letter of Attorney is made, to be used as appropriate.

Semarang, April 7, 2018,


Danang Kusuma

Contoh Surat Tugas Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Jl. Perjuangan No. 123
Number: 1240/ST/KPB/VI/2018

In connection with the commencement of construction of hotel “Lampung” located on Soekarno Hatta Street District Write Here Lampung Province, it is hereby assign to :

Name : Dedy Kurniawan
Position : Manajer

To supervise the development work Hotel “Lampung”, starting on April 7, 2018 s/d June 7, 2018.

All costs arising from the implementation of these duties will be charged to the cost of development projects concerned in accordance with the applicable rules.

Such a letter is given the task to be carried out with full responsibility.

Lampung, April 7, 2018


Dani Artama

Contoh Surat Undangan Bahasa Inggris

Jl. Perjuangan No. 123

Yogyakarta,  April 7, 2018

No. .              : I/II/III/April/2018
It                   : Meeting Invitation
Attachment : –

Dear .
District Head Yogyakarta
in place

Dear Sirs ,

Along with this we expect the presence of Mr. / Mrs. on :

Day/Date : Sunday/April 12, 2018
Time : 09.00 – end
Place : Sakti Terus Hall

Our True great father / mother can attend the event above .

Thus our invitation letter for this meeting , for your attention and willingness Mr. / Ms for the present we say thank you .

Principal PT. Sakti Terus,

Wendy Waranda

Contoh Surat Undangan OSIS Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Jl. Perjuangan No. 145

Ponorogo, April 7, 2018

No.            : 05 /OSIS/SMA 1/III /2018
Attachment : –
Subject         : Invitation OSIS Working Meeting

In the place

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Due to the many that need to be addressed regarding the work program OSIS 2018/2019 period, then we hereby invite you to be present at :

Day/Date : Sunday/April 12, 2018
Time : 09.00 – end
Venue : Hall School
Event : Meeting OSIS

Thus we convey this invitation, say thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Chairman of The OSIS,

Hardi Kusuma Ok

Format Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

[Alamat Tempat tinggal Anda]
[Kota Tempat Anda tingal]
[Kode POS]

(Bulan, Tanggal, Tahun)

[Nama & Gelar dari Penerima surat (jika tahu)]

[Nama Perusahaan]

[Alamat Perusahaan]

[Kota Perusahaan]

[Kode POS Perusahaan]

Dear…. [“Sirs” jika nama penerima tidak diketahui atau gunakan “Mr/Mrs/Miss Surname” apabila nama dari si penerima di ketahui],

[Isi dari suratnya]

Yours [ dapat guanakan: faithfully (tidak Anda kenal) atau sincerely (kalo Anda kenal)],

[Tanda tangan Pengirim]

(Nama Anda)

Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Pahlawan Street no. 99 South Teluk Betung

Bandung, April 1st, 2016
Airlangga Utomo, S.Kom
Maju Terus, Ltd
Soedirman Street no. 56 South Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Mr. Airlangga Utomo, S.Kom,

To celebrate the third anniversary of our company, through this letter we invite all managers of Maju Terus, Ltd to attend the last preparation meeting which will be held on:

Day/date    : Saturday/ 30th April 2016
Hours        : 9 A.M – end
Venue        : 101 Convention Hall

We hope that you will be able to come because we will take the final decision of our program. Thanks for your nice attention.


[your signature here]

Wijoyo Cokro, S.E
Chairman of the Committee

Artinya dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Jln. Pahlawan no. 99 Teluk Betung Selatan

Bandung, 1 April 2016

Airlangga Utomo, S.Kom
PT. Maju Terus
Jln. Soedirman no. 56 Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta, Indonesia

Kepada Mr. Airlangga Utomo, S.Kom,

Untuk merayakan hari ulang tahun perusahaan kita yang ke-3, melalui surat ini kami ingin mengundang seluruh manajer dari PT. Maju Terus untuk menghadiri pertemuan persiapan terakhir yang akan diselenggarakan pada:

Hari/tanggal    : Sabtu/ 30 April 2016
Waktu        : 9 pagi – selesai
Tempat        : Gedung Pertemuan 101

Kami harap Anda dapat datang karena kita akan mengambil keputusan terakhir dari program kita ini. Terima kasih untuk perhatiannya.

Hormat Kami,

[tanda tangan disini]

Wijoyo Cokro, S.E
Ketua Panitia


Demikianlah kumpulan surat dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berbagai kepentingan. Contoh surat diatas merupakan referensi contoh surat resmi dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berbagai macam sifat kepentingan, mulai keorganisasian hingga bisnis. Semoga berguna dan dapat memberikan bahan masukan yang berguna bagi Anda.
